What to Do if a Tree Falls on Your Home or Business

In Canada, we’ve seen our fair share of harsh weather conditions, ice storms, snowstorms, and wind that blows you down the street, and yet we persevere. Unfortunately, the trees that we plant in our yards or on our streets can’t withstand the weather the same way we do, this causes trees and tree branches to go flying, damaging your home, your car, and possibly your family. 

Lightning, ice, wind, or any other force of nature has the potential to ruin lives, at any moment your tree can send a branch flying through your roof. 

Although there are measures that can be taken to prevent this from happening, nothing stops mother nature. 

Check out some of the steps below on what to do if a tree, or tree branch, comes crashing into your home or business. 

Don’t Freak Out 

Although seeing a tree come crashing into your living room isn’t an enjoyable experience, the chances of sustaining injuries are far higher to both you and those around you if panic sets in.

In this case, it is best to try to keep a calm and collective manner, check to see if everyone is okay and try your best to keep everyone as calm as possible. 

Whether or not people are injured, a state of panic is infectious, this will cause people to try to run, which can increase the chance of injury. 

If a tree slams into your house it is likely that there will be debris and glass everywhere, trying to run through all of this is a tripping or slipping hazard that can cause serious injuries. 

Another good reason to keep everyone calm is so that your brain can process what has just happened. In an accident, you will likely be disoriented, before you jump up into action your brain needs time to properly assess the situation. 

If people panic they will begin to scream, shout, and cry, which is a complete distraction, whereas if the room is calm you can take the time to ensure everyone is alright, and get everyone to safety. 

Ring Ring Buzz Buzz 

Once you have taken control of the room and ensured everyone is in a calm state, you must then assess the area to ensure everyone is alright. Tree’s falling can cause serious injuries and may even be fatal, it is essential that you ensure the safety and well-being of everyone around. 

Checking on everyone else should come after you check on yourself, shock can cause your body to ignore any possible injuries you have sustained. Just like when a plane is crashing, you must ensure you are alright before you check on anyone else. 

If there are any signs of injury, whether it is major or as small as a bump on the head, you MUST call 9-11. The shock of an accident increases the adrenaline in our bodies, this reduces the amount of pain we feel, it is absolutely crucial that the proper authorities are called. 

No matter how big or small an injury may seem, the medical professionals must be the ones to determine how serious the injury is, and if you need further medical attention. 

If all parties are accounted for, and no injuries appear to be present, the next step in this journey is checking for electrical dangers. When a tree falls it could likely damage or takedown electrical lines, these are far more dangerous than the tree itself.

In the harsh winds, electrical lines transmitting 155,000 to 765,000 volts are blowing all around. If you see broken electrical lines you MUST call 9-11 and report what has happened. 

In a storm, between the loose wires, harsh winds, and downpouring rain, the electrical danger is far greater than the tree, it is imperative the proper authorities are contacted to ensure everyone’s safety. 

Don’t Pass the Gas 
If a tree falls over it is likely that the roots of the tree were brought up by the force, sometimes these roots can damage the gas line on your property, which could result in a serious accident. 

Once you have ensured the safety of everyone around, you must turn off the gas in your house, and check to see if the gas line has been damaged. Turning off the gas in your house and ensuring the integrity of the gas line could be the difference between life and death. 

It takes a strong force to pull a tree out of the ground, this force could be so strong that it causes the roots of the tree to pull on the gas line as well. If a tree does fall, after turning off the gas in your home or business, you must check to see if a gas line is visible. 

Whether or not the gas line is visible, it is always a safe bet to contact your gas company, they will be able to tell you where the gas line is located for your home. Calling the gas company saves the effort and cost of sending a technician to check out the area, this way you know whether or not your gas line was affected, and save on some extra costs. 

A Picture is Worth a $1000 

When a tree falls on your home, business, or car, it is essential that you take pictures of the area and all damages. 

Any damages that have occurred will have to be fixed, and when the insurance representative comes around knocking, pictures of the damages could save you thousands in coverage. 

A picture of the accident allows the insurance representative to visualize the damage, and fully understand the depth of the situation, this may help cover more of the cost of the damage. 

Without enough proof of what has happened, the insurance companies may take advantage of this, and cover far less, resulting in you having to pay thousands and thousands out of pocket. 

Four simple steps could mean the difference between life and death, or at least death of your bank account. If you ever find yourself with a fallen tree on your home or business remember these four steps: 
Stay Calm 
Call the proper authorities
Check on your gas line 
Take many, many pictures of the damage. 

At Man with an Axe, we are your one-stop-shop for any tree or landscaping-related issues. If you have any questions or concerns about the safety of your tree or any other tree-related issues feel free to book a free consultation or give us a call at (647) 799-3057.
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